Sunday 22 May 2011

The Spammy Character :(

It took me a while to really realise this, but it seems that nearly every 3D fighting game I play these days has 'that' character. Yaknow, the one that can always cause trouble and take about 50 tries to beat. Yeah that one:

This all started when I decided to get Soul Calibur IV. Now I actually don't suck at fighting games, I loved soul calibur 2, street fighter 2, tekken e.t.c. And as a result I was very good at those games. Getting into SC4 I noticed that although i could beat nearly every character on medium or hard difficulties, I would always get to The Apprentice and get my ass handed to me. I would change my playing style to offensive, defensive, throwing you name it, but whatever I did my skills were to no avail. Even with an easy difficulty I would require about 7 tries to advance. This just wrecks the whole experience for me, I really hate being good at games and then being taught a lesson due to some horrid balancing.

This is not the only case either, I finally decided to get a new psp after mine broke like 3 years ago, with it I had tekken dark ressurection, which I also used to be very good at back when I had my PSP base pack all those years ago.
But this guy always flattens my advances, one punch at a time.

Yeah STEVE!!! I hate this australian gimp with my back teeth :(

Now your probably just thinking, you just suck at this game. On the contrary my questioning reader, I can play through tekken DR on the second to hardest difficulty, but getting to this guy requires me to lower my difficulty to easy and still lose. Grrrrrrr.

Just a small rant there!

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