Saturday 11 June 2011

E3 part 2 the games!

In terms of games, Not much we hadn't actually seen was revealed. The only thing I saw that was a surprise was.....


Yes it's back and as awesome as ever. After being revealed for the 3DS, I was somewhat surprised but I kind of expected it for the console, especially since the original was meant to be 3D on the gamecube using an LCD crystal. Hell yeah.


I didn't want to mention this at all, but after nintendo using an orchestra to show off the new game, I was thrilled and eagerly excited. Plus the news and new screens/trailers have really got me riled up for this game.

~ Elder scrolls V : Skyrim

I'll be honest I absolutely love morrowind and even oblivion, but skyrim.JUST.LOOKS.AWESOME!! I never expected what I saw, so many improvements may actually make this better than morrowind. All the rigidity has gone and lots of new things have been introduced and sorted out.

Mass Effect 3

What can I say it looks absolutely amazing, I have no problems with it at all. I actually can't wait for this game.

Ghost Recon : Future Soldier

I hate shooters, be that 3rd or first person. But this just looked, well WOW. I can't believe what I saw, graphics were amazing and it actually looked like a hell of a lot of fun, I really actually want to get this. What we saw from the opening level just looked like a hell of a lot of fun, hopefully the strategic elements will be top notch.

Lastly: Mario Kart 3D

I love mario kart, even with it's recent haterd for me with it's over abundance of blue shells and bullet bills. After seeing the new trailer for Mario Kart 3D I was actually quite surprised, I never expected Hang gliders and underwater style gameplay. It's a really great addition to add to the fun of mario kart.

And a last little offcut:

Other noteworthy games:

Battlefield 3
Resistance 3
Bioshock infinite
All the HD collections

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