Thursday 30 June 2011

Thoughts on pre-owned gaming and the whole mercenaries 3D save file thing....

If any of you haven't heard about it yet, resident evil mercenaries 3D will limit users to one game save, limiting users to one playthrough and the inability to trade the game in.

Capcom are a great game company, I love everything they usually produce, but one thing has to be said is that they are becoming a very greedy company....again.
First with the whole street fighter thing, bringing out super street fighter 4, then the arcade edition..What's next super street fighter 3D the new contenders champion edition 3D alpha beta omega flubber?

Originally I was excited for mercenaries 3D, fast paced gaming on the best extra mode of any game ever.Hell yeah. Then the problems started flowing in. First there was a problem with content, a major lack of characters (namely leon) and a horrible lack of maps. Since this is a full priced game I was hoping for a lot more than what is essentially the add on to resident evil 5 (Which I already have the gold edition of).
Secondly, Gameplay footage. Seeing the jerkiness and oddness of the animations, it looks terrible and it's not something easilly overlooked.
Last but not least, the fact that save files are not erasable.

The latter is the cherry on the top. After seeing the lackluster offering of mercenaries 3D my thoughts where to buy it used, something I do with games that I don't like too much. (I'm 17, a student and don't have that much money to spend on  games, plus OoT came out two weeks ago.)
Mercenaries 3D is actually one game I thought would benefit from used sales. Why because it includes the demo for resident evil revelations, the upcoming title which I hope is nothing like this game.

So what about used sales, why are they good in my oppinion.
Firstly, from the creators point of view it is obviously not making them any money at all. They have tried everything, the whole buy idea of buying certain part of the games if you buy it used (I.e online modes),
Capcom have chose the complete wrong solution here as by eyes, I can see people not buying this brand new and then the brand new price being driven right down, which will lose profits for everyone. Capcom won't ell as many, and the few they do sell will be way cheaper, game retailers will lose money as they will end up selling the game for a lot less than they bought them in the first place. Obviously used sales won't be made to make up for it.

There are a lot of reasons used game sales help developers.

First, the obvious one, in most cases the game is part of a series. One that I can say for myself is uncharted, I bought the first game used since I didn't have high hopes for the game, I then ended up liking it and buying the second game new. Another example is metro 2033, I bought it last week off ebay and i'm loving it, so when the sequel last light comes out i will buy it at launch.

The second reason. Games when they come out are usually £30-£45, that's quite a lot of money for say something short like bioshock. A lot of people trade the game in straight after they complete it and get a decent fraction of the game's price back in credit or cash. So it's an incentive for people to buy things new, the developer get's paid for the new price and the person get's a bit of their money back to do the same thing all over again.

The third reason, Games go out of print. Think right now, if you were to go buy resident evil 4 on the gamecube right now, would it be easy to get it used? Hell no, if it was sealed it would cost about £60 and all of the money would go to the person they bought it off and not the developer, and since shops don't stock it anymore they won't get any money either.Think about how annoying it will be for people who want to play Mercenaries 3D in a few years time, finding a new copy will be impossible and used copies won't be playable. Even people's own copies won't be usable since they can't play the game through again.

I am probably not going to buy mercenaries 3D at full price for many reasons, I'll wait a week or two until I see this game in the bargain bin for about £5.

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