Sunday, 12 June 2011

Wii-U My thoughts

So after the Wii-U was unveiled a few things went through my head.

1) WTF
2) Is this a controller or a console
3) What about games?
4) OMGWTF is that zelda.....Oh it's a tech demo
5) WOW

Not everyone loves the wii, that's for sure, with it's inferior graphics and really bad online capabilities. I do personally prefer it to my ps3 and 360, and I also think it has done some major good for the gaming industry.
So what about the Wii-U? It promises to please everyone, from casual players to hardcore gamers alike.
I was really sceptical hearing this, I had no clue how he was going to do it, but honestly I think they may actually have done the impossible. Firstly, with the wii they have built up a massive fan base with non-gamers, siminlar to back in the day when we would say 'wanna play nintendo?', older people are now saying 'wanna play some wii?'
So this new fan base will definitely bring in new people to buy what seems like gateway gaming, i.e starting off with wii sports or something then ending up playing zelda skyward sword to completion.

The other thing that excites me about this console is the power, Ok I'm not a graphics whore or anything but I can see this really benefiting the console by far.
Firstly, We will be getting all the first rate nintendo exclusives that we would never see anywhere else, that's awesome.
Secondly, developers won't be as scared to bring out hardcore games onto the console. Unfortunately the wii suffered this problem as developers didn't want to lose out on money.
Lastly, Developers can really make pieces of art on this console. On the wii there was hardly any room to make a truly stunning game in the same vein as final fantasy 13, which in turn cost the wii some really good games. It's the same with a painter, they wouldn't use inferior paints on the wrong canvas to make their finest work.

Next, The controller. The controller in my eyes actually looks like a really clever idea. Obviously the main attraction of this is the screen in the middle, which could be implemented fantastically. You only have to watch the ghost recon online trailer to see that.

Despite the terrible and cringy acting, we can easilly see an already amazing way to implement the device into more than a gimick.
I can see lots of games really using this well, especially RPG's and even sports games.

The controller itself looked very awquard at first (Awkward enough to make nintendo's stock drop), apparantly though it is a very comfortable controller and is surprisingly light. (If you haven't seen a picture of the controller, check out my previous post or google it)
The only problem I really have with this controller is where the analogue sticks are. Firstly, They aren't actually analogue sticks, they slider pads similar to those on the 3DS. Secondly, the sliders are above the face buttons as opposed to being below them, this could make things difficult when playing games in my oppinion.

So am I going to buy it when it comes out?
No, not at launch. Reason being that when I bought the 3DS on launch day I was very upset with the game selection and there was nothing really to tickle my fancy (Well not untill zelda comes out on friday).
I don't want to see this happen with nintendo's new love child. Also the thought of Ubisoft providing a 'killer' amount of launch titles sends cold chills down my spine. Sorry, but ubisoft have really annoyed me with the amount of crap they provided at launch for the wii and 3DS, I don't hate the company but I think they are shameless. (Lest not forget GT PRO for the wii and the terrible ports they released for the 3DS.

However, saying all this, I believe the wiiU will be an amazing console, if there are good games out at launch I will buy it. Apparently it's coming out in summer 2012, so that should be a good way to shift units.

Oh and by the way, SMASH BROS IS GOING TO COME OUT FOR THIS.......(Although production hasn't even started yet)

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